STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

General Program

These features have been added or enhanced in the general program in STAAD Foundation Advanced v7.1.

Advanced Detail Drawing Options

New detail drawing options are introduced offering better control over drawing generation. It includes:
  • Separate scale options for different views for isolated and combined
  • Control over line type and line color
  • More options for different paper sizes

Calculation Sheet Table of Contents

The calculation sheet for isolated and combined footing now includes an interactive table of contents. This feature will be useful when a job consists of multiple footings. Instead of scrolling through hundreds of sections, you can jump to the particular check for any isolated or combined footing.

The dynamic table of contents is also screen size responsive. When smaller screen width is available for the calculation sheet window, table of contents is only displays the index number. You can hover over the button and to see the full description as a tool-tip.